FBNC 2019

The Role of Gut Health in the Formation of Acne (Room LL21C)

26 Aug 19
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Science

What does gut health have to do with the skin, and specifically acne? The gut is the link between emotional states and skin problems. Stressful emotional states change the gastrointestinal track function and thereby increase inflammation.  It has been well established that inflammation is the precursor to the formation of all acne. I will explain in detail how acne is formed and what inflammation's role is in that.  

 Along with chronic inflammation, gut issues cause food allergies and nutrient deficiencies. An imbalance of gut bacteria, which can be caused by antibiotics, bad diets and stress, can lead to intestinal conditions like leaky gut, SIBO and IBD.  Unfortunately, the acne-prone have far stronger reactions to gut flora imbalances. The bad bacteria produce corrosive substances that attack the gut wall which lead to these intestinal conditions. This, in turn, leads to nutrient deficiencies.  Research has shown that the acne-prone has far fewer antioxidants coupled with a greater need for antioxidants to counter oxidative stress (inflammation). So, nutrient deficiencies create even more opportunity for inflammation to wreak havoc.

What can be done to counter this inflammatory cascade? There are strategies for getting the gut flora back in balance, which include dietary changes, supplementation and lowering stress levels. I use a total approach in getting my acne clients clear, which not only addresses gut health and other lifestyle factors, but using the right topical products to help the acne sufferer achieve clear skin.