2019 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

The Efficient Engine Company: Understanding the Why and How (Room VBFD Fire Training Center (FTC))

23 Feb 19
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Speaker(s): John SpanBauer

The fire goes as the first line goes.”  A well-disciplined, well-trained, well-educated engine company can be the difference between success and failure on the fireground.  When engine crews can properly select the right line, stretch efficiently, and put water where it needs to go with a purpose, everyone benefits, citizens and firemen alike.  So how are these “A-team” engine companies developed?  From knowing the craft and being good at the basics.

The 350’ Line’s “Engine Company Operations” class is designed to not just simply show students the “how” of stretching and flowing, but to introduce them to the “why”.  From demonstrating the importance of knowing the flows and capabilities of their water delivery set-ups, to stretching beyond the pre-connect, and being able to effectively flow “big water” to knock down an advanced body of fire, this class focuses on the true job of the Engine Company, which is the extinguishment of fire.  The basics of the job make a difference, and being good at the basics is the foundation of a “go-to” Engine Company.