2019 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Use of Heavy Wreckers for Rescue Operations (Room VBFD Fire Training Center (FTC))

21 Feb 19
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Hands On Training (H.O.T.)

Vehicle accidents involving large trucks and buses are becoming more frequent and fire-rescue personnel are ill-prepared and trained to meet this unique challenge. One way of dealing with large transportation vehicle accidents is to involve the use of heavy wreckers and collapse-rated rescue equipment. This course teaches rescuers how to interface with wrecker operators and better understand how commercial heavy wreckers can help turn accidents that took hours in the past to mitigate, into just several minutes. A three-hour classroom session will teach rescuers the physics of heavy wreckers as well as the rigging equipment used, while the remainder of the day will be hands-on training reviewing heavy rescue equipment limitations, working load limits, proper use, and heavy wrecker rigging for lifting and moving large trucks. This course will be held at the Virginia Beach Training Center. Proper PPE is required. There is a 32 student limit for this class.