2019 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Impact of Concussions in the Fire Service (Room 2A)

20 Feb 19
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Concussions are not just an NFL problem. Up to 4,000 firefighter head injuries are reported annually and only 1 in 6 concussions are diagnosed. Learn about the often overlooked signs, symptoms of concussions. Listen to FF Blankenship tell his personal story of his on duty concussions. Become aware of popular concussion myths. Be introduced to the latest concussion baseline/sideline testing that is available and see how these tests can be practically utilized in the fire service. Get inside the brain and better understand CTE (the brain disease found in football players) and find out if firefighters are at risk. Review case studies of athletes that have been diagnosed with CTE. Hear the latest “remove from play” concussion guidelines for athletes as well as when it is acceptable to “return to play.” See why a long forgotten blow to the head can be misdiagnosed as PTSD, ADHD, sleep disorders, depression, or even cause suicidal thoughts. Find out why the fire service needs to document head impacts.