Keynote Presentation: FABx Tech Talks (Room FABTECH Theater (Lakeside Center))

11 Nov 19
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Tracks: Special Event

In honor of Veterans Day, this year’s FABx will feature a powerful lineup of visionary veterans. These are heroes with incredible stories who have gone on to excel in leadership, business, advanced manufacturing and workforce development. Drawing on their unique experiences, speakers will captivate and inspire audiences with their frontline stories focused on motivation, team building, innovation and how to achieve excellence in the business battlefield.

Featured speaker Chad Hennings; through a 9-year NFL career and 3 Super Bowl Championships, 45 successful combat missions with the Air Force, and as one of the most decorated college football players in NCAA history, Chad represents the philosophy that he lives by—that excellence is not a destination, but an identity.

FABx Speakers:

Hernán Luis y Prado, Founder and CEO, Workshops for Warriors

Jason T. Ray, Co-Founder & CEO, Paperless Parts, Inc.

Shelly C. Rood, Mission Ambition, LLC, Educational Consultant

Michael Walton, Industry Solution Executive (Manufacturing), Microsoft