F43: Advanced Press Brake Technologies (Room S502A)

11 Nov 19
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Forming & Fabricating , Job Shop

High Mix Low Volume Bending Technologies
Utilize current press brake technologies in order to remain efficient in today's short run processing conditions. Attendees will learn about the technology available to shorten setup times on the press brake, which is critical to staying profitable when run sizes are short and a wide variety of parts are processed.
Scott Ottens - Amada America Inc.

Justifying Modern Press Brake Technologies
This presentation examines various features available on many modern press brakes, specific applications they address and how they impact your piece cost, including the following: tooling, angle measuring, bed crowning, back gauging, material handling, energy consumption, human/machine interface, safety, off-line programming.
Paul LeTang - Bystronic Inc.

Latest Advancements in Press Brake Guarding
Press brakes are one of the most challenging machines to safeguard. Press brake protection technology has recently been elevated to a whole new level. By utilizing a very dense Type 4 Safety Light Curtain and having it constantly communicate with a powerful microprocessor-based HMI, we can accurately learn the proper location and sizes of the part flanges throughout the entire process of bending parts in a press brake. The HMI will quickly learn and store this digital pattern in its memory. The processor will use this stored digital pattern and compare it to the actual conditions for each step of future part fabrication and only allow the press brake to operate if the operator safely holds the part in the proper location and the stored flange profile is a match for each step.
Tony Caruso - ISB / MERLIN

Forming & Fabricating Track Sponsored By: