F70: Small & Large Format Printers for Additive Manufacturing (Room S403A)

12 Nov 19
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Tracks: 3D/Additive Manufacturing

Using a Small Format 3D Printer to Improve Your Fabrication Operation
Many of your children already know how to use a small 3D printer. News outlets are replete with stories of how unique things have been created with them to solve problems in everyday life. But did you know that a small 3D printer can solve many common problems on the shop floor? This presentation will cover useful solutions that involve: making difficult parts on a press brake with 3D printed back gauging fingers, checking tough-to measure parts with printed go/no go fixtures, forming metal parts with 3D printed plastic tools, and using a 3D printer to mistake-proof long running jobs. The presenter will provide the background of his research and experience to this new fabricating frontier.
Mark D. Watson - Cincinnati Incorporated

How Large-Format 3D Printing Is Transforming Industries
Integrating additive into your design and manufacturing workflow can generate many positive outcomes. Learn how industry leadings companies like Boyce Technologies, Ford, Steelcase and more are putting 3D printing to use as we explore four applications that are helping increase productivity, reduce leads times and improve time to market. During the presentation, we will present real case studies and results for prototyping, tooling, patterns/mold and end use parts, plus the value large-format 3D printing provided.
Frank Marangell – BigRep

3D/Additive Manufacturing Track Sponsored By: