F215: Conflict & Communication for Strong Leadership (Room S401BC)

12 Nov 19
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Workforce Development

Leadership, Communication and the 'Adventure Economy'
Stories are the backbone of communication, both internal and external. Adventures are stories where the audience has a role, whether that is playing a video game or online fandom, and in that role they can make meaningful decisions. This presentation explores the ways that technology development, popular culture, gaming, and leadership theory and practice have converged on this adventure model of interactivity and explores ways to incorporate these techniques into management, leadership and employee development and training. This is next generation leadership.
Steven Vrooman, PhD - Texas Lutheran University

The HEART of Conflict - Open Heart Mindset for Strong Leaders
In this thought-provoking engaging presentation, the presenter will invite you through exploring real-life situations to examine how what we are trying to stop in a time of conflict is what keeps the collusion. Bring an open mindset to this different experience that will give you tools to approach your relationship with people or situations that trigger you from a new perspective. What many of us miss in the big scheme of relationships is that the focus is not about what or how we say, but also what people can sense about what and how we say things when we communicate with them. You will leave this hour knowing how to approach people in a way that is authentic, that brings internal peace and ease to everything you do and where people want to change without the need to fix them.
Noa Ronen - Noa Ronen Coaching