F200: Practicing Emotional Intelligence for Workplace Success (Room S401BC)

11 Nov 19
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Workforce Development

Research has shown the benefits of strong emotional intelligence are many: greater career success, stronger personal relationships, better health, effective leadership skills, improved communication, and better problem-solving skills. This presentation will cover the crucial role of self-awareness in developing successful relationships and help participants identify behaviors that impact work performance, so they can more effectively overcome workplace conflicts. The presenter will discuss how the brain works, how staying cool and building confidence can boost productivity, and how to develop their leadership skills by recognizing and managing office behaviors. Because our response to the marketplace and each other comes from the emotional part of our brain, it is critical to be aware and know how to manage emotions effectively. Participants will be able to understand how emotions occur and what they mean. Also, they will be able to pinpoint what triggers them and how manage those emotions.
M.J. Clark - Integrated Leadership Systems