F59: Productivity, Performance & Quality Management for Smart Manufacturing (Room S402B)

12 Nov 19
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Smart Manufacturing, Workforce Development

Make the Transition to 100% PMI Without Adding a Significant Cost to Your Business
Material mix-ups caused by mixed up, lost or even forged certificates and stamps on incoming materials are an unfortunate reality in manufacturing operations. Today's manufacturers are trending toward 100% PMI for reassurance and because of the need to protect their company's reputation. Adopting 100% PMI means that you go from testing a handful of samples to making hundreds or even thousands of measurements every day. Your first thought might be that it's too costly to hire additional people and it would add time to your production process. However, this doesn't have to be the case. We'll help you to: Understand how to be ready for 100% PMI Demonstrate how intelligent operations can allow productivity gains and decrease material and certification mix-ups. Learn how modern data management tools are essential for 100% PMI Discover how simply changing your analyzer could be the answer without increasing headcount.
Marianne Walters - Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science

Shop Floor Optics: Illuminate Your Hidden Improvement Potential with IIoT Machine Learning and Performance Technology
Manufacturers are constantly challenged to increase productivity and find additional capacity. However, hiring workers and simply buying more equipment is not the ideal means to more. Success instead requires reliable insights into your operations and knowledge support to turn those insights into actionable change and more capacity. The technology behind the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) now makes it affordable to monitor your shop floor for profit leakage, hidden capacity and potential productivity gains. During the presentation we will role play different organizational functions and use an automated machine learning platform to answer complicated real time performance questions. Participants will witness how to evaluate production outcomes, track historical performance, correlate performance with variances, use data for better estimating, notice trends, and predict future outcomes. They will also see how technology tools an accelerate the improvement in OEE.
Mark D. Stevens and Jake Rohrer - Wipfli CPAs and Consultants

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