Mensa AG 2018

ADDers: Step Up Into Your Personal Power (Room JW Grand Ballroom 9)

04 Jul 18
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Stepping up into your personal power comes from a three-step process that Kit will share. From her experience in working with entrepreneurs with ADD, Kit has observed that too many are hindered in life by shame. Since ADDers are the moving force of the world they need to step up and make their difference. Dropping the shame and fear are the way up. Figure out your strengths, determine what your superpower is, and weave them together for more self-confidence so you can step up into your personal power. Kit Cassingham, of, is a high-performance coach (and Life Member) who helps entrepreneurs with ADD embrace and harness their traits so they can have a more successful and joyful life.