Parker Seminar Dallas

You Are Your Best Tool! Ways To Ignite Better Communication To Foster Therapeutic And Other Relationships. (Room Health Sciences 121/122)

06 Oct 18
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Occupational Therapy

Job burnout, not meeting patient outcomes, handling large caseloads, inability to optimally function in a professional team, personal issues bleeding into the workplace are just a few issues that are facing therapists today.  They can keep us from feeling as passionate as we once were about our career, being effective as clinicians and colleagues, and being able to manage our personal lives. There is a way to remedy these and other blocks that therapists face and that is through EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION. We all communicate but are we effective communicators. Being an effective communicator means we have self-awareness, are empathetic, can actively listen, can easily establish trust, and are aware of all parts of communication (verbal & nonverbal) and can successfully use them to self-regulate.  These communication skills can not only help us be better at therapeutic use of self, but also foster better relationships in general to allow for more engagement in all areas of our lives or occupations. This CEU will focus on specific techniques (derived from information on Emotional Intelligence, Intentional relationship model, cognitive behavioral model, coaching model, etc.) to improve in all areas mentioned above and will allow for substantial practice during the course.