Parker Seminar Dallas

Low Tech Pelvic Torsion and Leg Length Inequality Screens - DC CE (Room E108)

06 Oct 18
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Technique

This course provides a detailed, step-by-step assessment protocol for identifying pelvic torsion, the most typical intrapelvic subluxation pattern seen by chiropractors. The components of this multi-component screen are drawn from a number of mainstream chiropractic techniques, including Thompson, Applied Kinesiology, Activator, and Sacro-Occipital Technique. The course greatly expands upon the overly restrictive but common practice pattern of relying almost exclusively on leg checks to identify in nominate listings such as AS or Pl ilium. Since the interpretation of leg check findings depends on discriminating anatomic from functional short leg, the course provides a low-tech screening protocol for making that distinction.