2019 RFID Journal LIVE!

Fast, Accurate and Friendly Medication Tracking (Room North 122 B)

02 Apr 19
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Understanding the Value of RFID and the Future of Intelligent Labels

Kit Check is using RFID to revolutionize how hospital pharmacies track, manage and optimize their medication inventory. Nathalie Aferiat, the company's product manager, will discuss how Kit Check and Avery Dennison have been working together since 2014 to RFID-tag medications, allowing faster and more accurate scanning of medication trays, crash carts and anesthesia workstations, and allowing pharmacies to gain unprecedented insight into drug usage and lifespan. Benefits of RFID tracking include better ensured patient safety, increased efficiency (72 to 96%), increased accuracy (99.9%), push-button management of drug shortages and recalls, and freeing up pharmacy personnel to focus on clinical work and patient care. Nathalie will also discuss the next frontier of medication management and explain how Kit Check is on the forefront of working directly with manufacturers to provide pre-tagged medicines to its nearly 500 hospital customers throughout North America.