HBLC 2019

IZ06 | Does Your Legal Insurance Plan Have a 30% Participation Rate? (Room Innovation Zone (Expo Booth #722))

25 Apr 19
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Almost 50% of today’s companies have a legal plan in place for employees. Yet, only 4-8% of the employee base is enrolled in the company legal plan. Most HR managers are stunned to learn that some 54% of their employees will need a lawyer this year. Why this disconnect?

In this Innovation Zone, HR managers will learn the critical components of a legal plan that will get to a 30+% participation rate. It is not about communication strategies or more work for HR, but about infrastructure that creates easy and continued access for employees to legal plan benefits.   

Risk from a ruinous legal problem can devastate employees. HR managers can learn the secret ingredients in the right legal plan that can almost wipe out this risk completely for employees.