HBLC 2019

Mega Session | Sticker Shock: Battling the Rising Cost of Medical Technologies (Room Juniper 1)

25 Apr 19
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Tracks: Keynotes/Mega Sessions, Mega Session, Mega Session, Mega Sessions

In the next decade, the real challenge for employers that are trying to manage their healthcare spend will be the high cost of new medical and pharmaceutical technologies. Expensive technologies for treating cancer, neurologic conditions, surgical procedures, neonatal treatment, orthopedic conditions and rare diseases are driving yearover- year increases in how employer healthcare dollars are spent. In response, carriers and employers alike have little choice but to seriously rethink their healthcare strategies and plan designs. Join conference favorite Ron Leopold as he shares specific steps employers are going to need to take to prepare for and successfully navigate this new reality.