Cable-Tec Expo 2018

Applying IoT Techniques to Eldercare (Room B406)

The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that by 2030, the number of citizens aged 65 and above will surpass the number of children. Many of us know or have eldercare responsibilities for aging family members that are exacerbated by geographic distance. Assisted Living facilities are an option but generally lack the staff and IT resources to apply the growing landscape of IoT, robotics, and AI technologies at hand to detect resident activity, assess environmental quality, and offer remote diagnostic health management. Cox’s Bruce McCleod explains his work on proofs of concepts and test cases for connected healthcare. ARRIS’s David Goodwin continues the conversation with a look at the current state of technologies we used to call “the set-top box,” and the device he wished he had when his parents were in that “care gap” between independent and assisted living: One with voice detection, microphone and speakers, and IoT support for remote monitoring.