Surf Expo September 2018

How To Utilize ActionWatch To Improve Your Profitability, presented by BRA (Room The Stage)

06 Sep 18
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Specialty retail is becoming more and more difficult with brands selling direct and increased competition from Amazon and other online merchants.  Knowing which way the market is trending is more important than ever to insure success and growth.  Patrik Schmidle of Action Watch presents an overview of the sales results based on specialty retail sell through. Reviewed will be high level trends, including growth and category shifts, broad categories, apparel, footwear, accessories, skate and surf.   Also covered will be, fastest growing brands and opportunities, brands in decline, and products new to the market.  

The Board Retailers Association (BRA) is proud to present a panel of 3 highly successful retailers,  who have agreed to share some of their tactics that have given them an edge to not only survive, but thrive in the marketplace.  We're grateful to the panelists who will share some of their secrets, including how they use ActionWatch information for booking inventory and treatment of stock on hand.