Indian Gaming 2018 Tradeshow and Conference

Gamesmanship 3.0 (Room N258)

18 Apr 18
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: National Indian Gaming Commission

The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act was created to support economic development and strong tribal governments while protecting the integrity of Indian Gaming. National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) is focusing its enforcement priorities on anything that amounts to gamesmanship on the backs of tribes. Gamesmanship occurs when a non-tribal government interest manipulates business relationships associated with Indian gaming operations and violates IGRA, NIGC regulations,or a Tribal Gaming Ordinance. This session will discuss NIGC's new policy and provide examples of gamesmanship and a workshop so that Tribal officials and representatives can be aware of the situations and how to spot potential gamesmanship in tribal gaming facilities. Additionally, this conference will address the compliance concerns and what "red flags'' can be avoided to ensure that Gamesmanship does not threaten your tribe.