HFMA Annual Conference 2018

Get the Most from Your Membership (Room Bellini)

26 Jun 18
7:00 AM - 7:50 AM

Tracks: Leadership and Organizational Capability

What do you do if Medicare announces another rate cut? How will you react if the hospital across town lures away your cardio-thoracic surgeons? How will you survive if BC/BS won’t renew your contract? Both new and long-time members will discover how their membership benefits can help them cope with their “worst-case scenarios” during this game-based (with prizes!), interactive morning session, hosted by HFMA membership staff.
Participants of this early-riser session will:
Have fun while learning how to access their HFMA benefits
Network via friendly competition with other members
Earn a copy of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook