Sensors Midwest 2018

IIoT2: IPC-CFX Standards Update for Industry 4.0 (Room Theater 2)

16 Oct 18
11:10 AM - 12:00 PM
David Bergman - Vice President Standards & Training, IPC — This session describes how new standards are simplifying M2M communications & solutions in the Factory. IPC-CFX is an electronics manufacturing industry developed standard forming the foundation/backbone of Industry 4.0 Applications. IPC-CFX simplifies and standardizes machine to machine communication while also facilitating machine to business/business to machine solutions. IPC-CFX can simply be described as a standard providing a purpose, working components, benefits, with several applications and sustainability. IPC is a global industry association developing standards in support of electronics manufacturing is nearing completion of a two-year effort evaluating the needs of the industry for a new standard for electronics manufacturing factory communication. The IPC format, named Connected Factory eXchange or CFX, is expected to be released in version 1.0 in October. This session gives background on the development of this important new protocol, cooperative efforts with other open industry standards industry and plans for the future.