National Pavement Expo 2019

A07 - New: How to Become Invincible to Lawsuits and Save Thousands in Taxes (Room 202A)

27 Feb 19
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Employee Management

How can you miss with a title like that? In this for-every-contractor seminar you’ll learn how to get your financial house in order and you’ll discover the tools you can use to protect yourself from lawsuits and save thousands of dollars in taxes. You’ll learn how to structure your business for lawsuit protection, how to reduce liability insurance costs, and how to minimize taxes including five tax reduction strategies that often go unused. You’ll take home tips to make yourself so unattractive to a plaintiff attorney they won’t pursue a lawsuit against you, and you’ll work through a checklist important to every estate and succession plan. Plus, you’ll learn how to avoid the most common asset protection mistakes business owners make! Looking for financial peace of mind? Here’s where you can find it!

Topics: Management