Wind Project O&M and Safety Conference 2018

Muscles Joints and Discs - The Science and Art of Injury (Room Viceroy)

28 Feb 18
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Behavioral/Cultural Safety

In this presentation will address the latest information and best practices in the prevention of MusculoSkeletal Disorders (MSD's); sprain/strain, repetitive motion, sustained or awkward posture and over-exertion injuries. It will specifically address common ways in which people repeatedly put themselves at risk at work and at home and will include ways that the risk of injury can be mitigated. The information will be realistic, practical and easily implemented on a daily basis. Attendees will hear about the latest science and research as it relates to soft-tissue injury, see examples of safe vs at-risk behavior and participate in eye-opening demonstrations of effective injury prevention techniques.