2018 I/ITSEC - 9250

2018 Update - Trade Compliance Challenges in Training and Simulation Continue (Room S320A)

26 Nov 18
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Despite generally positive statements from the U.S. Government concerning encouragement of international trade, 2018 continued to present challenges in navigating the export requirements associated with trade in the simulation and training industry. This tutorial will focus on understanding the application of the ITAR and the EAR as well as the potential changes associated with changing national security and foreign policy priorities, including continued ambiguity with the definition of “defense services” in the ITAR. The tutorial will examine the scope of the U.S. export laws, how the U.S. Government applies them to the simulation industry, including controls on software, hardware, services and activities at trade shows such as I/ITSEC, as well as discuss examples of products and services, and associated licensing strategies, in this shifting regulatory environment. New for this year, we will walk through a practical exercise to apply the “order of review” and determine the export jurisdiction and classification of a relevant product.