2018 I/ITSEC - 9250

Introduction to Data Standards and Standards Organization in Modeling and Simulation (Room S320F)

26 Nov 18
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Simulation programs and vendors are increasingly adopting and promoting their support for data standards. Data standards have the potential to normalize and increase compatibility between simulation systems and programs. Each standard is adopted and maintained by their own “Standards Body” or “Standards Organization”, and many types of these entities exist. Not only are there many standards organizations, there are many different types of standards, some of which have required and optional components. Additionally, specifications, including those that are ad hoc, or de facto are often incorrectly referred to as standards. Each organization has their own membership levels, and their own processes for adopting, maintaining, publishing, and changing the standards. This tutorial will explain the background, focus, membership, terminology, and processes of several standards organization that are relevant to Modeling and Simulation (M&S). It will help the audience understand what it means to support a standard. Additionally, it will provide a basis for individuals and organizations to those who desire to be involved in the adoption, changes, and/or maintenance of data standards.