2018 I/ITSEC - 9250

3D Printing/Manufacturing Process Primer for the M&S Practitioner (Room S310C)

26 Nov 18
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
3D Printing, sometimes referred to as Additive Manufacturing (AM), is a process used to construct a solid object were material is joined (additively) under the control of a computer, layer-by-layer, to form the desired part or component. Over the past 40 years, we have witnessed a renaissance in the types of processes available for AM, and simultaneously, accelerated advancements in 3D printer technologies and base material alternatives. As a result, AM has transformed the manner in which we approach the practice of Design for Manufacturability, from conceptual modeling, to preliminary design, to final (printed) prototype. In this Tutorial, we present a primer on the essentials of AM. Topics will include the history/origins of 3D printing, current applications, a detailed description of the AM process, associated technical and logistic challenges, and future avenues of application and research. Note that this presentation is offered with M&S subject matter experts in mind. Accordingly, the Tutorial will culminate with an offering of five practical and diverse Case Studies which will quantify how 3D Printing adds tangible benefit to Training for a variety of domain experts (academic, industry, military) who utilize models and simulations in their respective careers (e.g., education, manufacturing, aerospace, health care, medicine).