Construction Super Conference 2018

S19 Collaboration as a Risk Management Tool: Build a Bridge, not a Wall (Room Encore Ballroom 7)

11 Dec 18
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Tracks: Business, Digital Decorating, Digital Decorating, Digital Decorating, Digital Decorating, Digital Decorating, Digitizing, Digitizing, Digitizing, Digitizing, Digitizing

Owners, builders, and design professionals are utilizing collaboration and better communication pathways as a more efficient and holistic risk management strategy. Specific tactics include increased use of design-assist and selecting teams employing lean techniques and tools.  Learn why these owners with large and sophisticated construction programs decide to take a new journey. Learn how there are new contractual strategies and new ConsensusDocs standard documents that provide best practice standard options for implement design-assist and lean without necessarily going to a pure IPD model initially.

Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how design-assist can assist, and not diminish, effective design.
  • Gain an overview of just released  design-assist and "IPD-lite" or "IPDish" standard ConsensusDocs contracts.
  • Understand why specific techniques, such as co-location and constructability analysis, are most often employed and their demonstrated effectiveness on project outcomes.