EMS Today 2019

EMS and TBI: Field Care for High-Impact Traumatic Brain Injuries (Room National Harbor 11)

22 Feb 19
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Advanced Clinical Practice

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI’s) account for approximately 2.5 million annual ED visits. Of these, many patients leave with lifelong disabilities, and, sadly, more than 50,000 don’t leave at all. This represents 33% of all injury-related deaths. Rommie Duckworth will teach you how your assessment and emergency you provide in the first moments following impact can be a major factor in your patient's outcome. Hyperventilate? Intubate? Permissive hypotension? Using case-studies, evidence-based guidelines and a common-sense approach, Rommie will arm you with solid strategies for the prehospital management of TBIs in a way that real-world medics and EMTs can use in real world trauma settings.