EMS Today 2019

Complications! Cases of Patient Deterioration (Room National Harbor 10)

20 Feb 19
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Advanced Clinical Practice

Sometimes, even when a protocol is followed, patients deteriorate. Every medical procedure comes with risks of complications and, when complications do occur, patients can suffer. While complications don't mean someone made a mistake, its easy for a provider to doubt their own care after the complication occurs. This powerful presentation discusses several common interventions, the known complications, and their evidence-based frequency. After presenting the data behind the complication rates of common prehospital interventions, Kevin Collopy will present  three actual cases where things went wrong: hypotension following rapid sequence intubation, intracerebral hemorrhage following fibrinolytics, and respiratory arrest following analgesia and sedation. He will tell you how the involved providers managed their patients’ complications and how structured support was provided following each complication to help support the involved crew members improve the care they delivered.