EMS Today 2019

State of the Science on Patient Restraint (#E0518) (Room 207)

22 Feb 18
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Dynamic and Active Threats & MCI Management

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How confident are you in your ability to apply restraints correctly, safely and legally? Failure to use restraints competently has resulted in severe, permanent injuries to patients and providers, judgments of gross negligence and wrongful death lawsuits. Join David Dalton as he presents the latest recommendations for patient restraint. Highlights will include: laws governing the use of restraint; a review of chemical restraint and stories from the field; lessons learned from restraint-related tragedies, and ways to avoid positional asphyxia. You’ll also practice hands-on skills, including: the pit crew approach to physical restraint, anchoring patients to a stretcher, quick-release knots, and a variety of other types of restraints.