2017 NMSDC Conference and BOE

W7 Exploring Commercial Opportunities with Sovereign Tribal Nations (Room Cobo - 430A)

25 Oct 17
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
How to work with a federally recognized tribal entity is often confusing, overlooked, and misunderstood.  This workshop will help educate corporate purchasing agents, business development managers, and site selection professionals about the advantages of working with a tribe. Working with an Indian Tribe is different than working with a non-tribal entity.  Recognized tribes have sovereign status which is a significant and commercially valuable difference from corporations, limited liability companies, or limited partnerships.  Indian Tribes with the proper legal and physical infrastructure can assist corporations looking to: improve margins, help domestic companies enter into competitive markets, allow foreign corporations efficient access to American markets, help avoid undue state regulatory burdens, protect intellectual property, and gain access to wholesale electricity/utilities.  Understanding how working with a tribe can be much more valuable for both corporate customers and strategic partners will be discussed during this workshop.