HR Tech 2018

Keynote | From Surviving to Thriving: Health, Wellness, Culture, and the Future of Engaging Your Workforce (Room Palazzo Ballroom)

Roughly 70 percent of US employees say they feel burned out. They’re asking for help and companies know something needs to change. Nearly eight out of 10 companies identify stress as a top workforce health risk -- higher than obesity, smoking and poor nutrition. The epidemic of stress and burnout costs businesses billions of dollars every year in lost productivity. But when you merge HR technology with the latest strategies and tools around health and well-being, the opportunities become very real. Now, workplaces can support employees better in every way and make health and well-being central to their success. Simply put, when you focus on the people, the numbers will follow. Arianna Huffington, founder and CEO of Thrive Global, and Jennifer Morgan, President of the Americas and Asia Pacific Japan at SAP, share the latest on their groundbreaking partnership that is enabling companies to move from surviving to thriving.