HR Tech 2018

Women in HR Technology® Closing Keynote: Evidence-Based HR: How Data Will Shape the Future of the Workplace (Room Lando)

11 Sep 18
11:25 AM - 12:10 PM

Tracks: Women in Tech - Keynote, Women in Tech Breakout Session

If you were to ask your CFO to make a decision, she would rely on facts, not opinions. In contrast, for years, the HR function has been asked to resolve some of the thorniest problems in the organization without the clarity of meaningful data analytics. Additionally, now workplaces everywhere are facing accelerated sea change thanks to automation, robotics and artificial intelligence, which places the onus even more heavily on HR to drive evidence-based insights and outcomes. Jenny Dearborn will discuss the essential data science principles and analytics models and demonstrate how they apply to HR. She’ll also examine how an analytics-centric culture can cultivate data-driven women leaders and what this means to the future of HR.