HR Tech 2018

AI3 | How HR Leaders Are Using AI to Transform the Employee Experience (Room Lando)

HR leaders must act now to understand the potential of using AI to transform the employee experience and to predict solutions to problems before they occur in the workplace. This panel of HR disruptors will share how the talent acquisition, learning & development, and HR processes like coaching and internal career mobility are being transformed by integrating AI into all aspects of the employee life cycle. These HR leaders working with AI solutions today will help you develop an understanding of the potential of AI to augment HR processes; detail how AI is transforming sourcing and screening candidates, acquisition of new talent, career development and coaching; and share their insights on what new HR skills and roles are needed as AI is integrated into the HR function. Finally, they’ll discuss how you should be preparing for AI in the workplace, how to get leadership on board and how AI is transforming the employee experience.