PCBC 2018

Nothing to Fear: Marketing for Today & Tomorrow (Room 153, Esplanade)

Right now, perhaps more than at any time in history, marketers have a unique dilemma of where to focus their efforts. Market demand has never been better, and the number of contacts flooding our CRM systems is equally high. When lead generation is no longer the hardest part, what is the next big problem to be tackled?

In this impactful two-hour event, Kevin Oakley of Do You Convert and Jeff Turner of immoviewer will spotlight the opportunities in front of you today, and the possibilities of tomorrow. You’ll hear proven techniques, innovative ideas, and be challenged to think bigger about what is coming next. There are limitless opportunities, and nothing to fear if you’re prepared.
Find The Perfect Balance
Having a high number of online leads is fantastic, but masters of marketing understand that balancing lead quality with quantity is the path to sales success. Once you understand the tools available to affect both sides of the equation it becomes infinitely easier to achieve the tipping point. Identify your limiting factors and ways to improve them under any market conditions: past, present, and future.
They Want It All. Give It To them!
Your prospects and customers want more from you! They expect more photos, videos, 3D tours, VR experiences, detailed descriptions, online option shopping and comparison tools, and so much more. The problem is that when considering your budget, it may not seem like content offers a compelling return on your investment. Learn how to broaden the impact of all your content creation efforts to improve your ROI while also uncovering ways to get the job done faster and easier. After all, if you won’t exceed your prospects expectations – maybe your competition will?

The Truth About AI No One Really Wants To Tell You
Sound bites and headlines are all too often misleading. Companies selling their services have an agenda, and too often fear of change can muddy the conversation around the true impact of technology. It’s time for some straight-talk on how and where AI and automation will disrupt everything we do as marketers. There’s nothing to be afraid of, and there are some enormous opportunities ahead – but perhaps not where you are expecting.