Benefits of Facial Cupping (Room 114)

27 Aug 18
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Treatments

This presentation will demonstrate how to increase oxygen-rich circulation while strengthening skin and connective tissues. Facial cupping is a natural way to stimulate fibroblast cells. Have your clients increase collagen and elasticity while visibly reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Facial cupping benefits the circulatory and lymphatic systems with reducing congestion and inflammation of the face and neck.

The presentation will be performed with a live demonstration. Client demonstrator will get a mini facial cupping session to show attendees how to perform a facial cupping and the visible benefits of the treatment. Results are instant and clearly show how their clientele can benefit and the science behind movements. Facial cupping uses the lymphatic system and circulatory to improve health below the skin. Visible color improvement and elasticity are clearly seen, practitioners can educate their clients on why this all-natural treatment is the next best thing to surgery.