Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show

The Essential Elements of Collective Action - The Case of Working With Your Competitors (Room Grove Ballroom at Le Meridien Hotel)

Driven by consumer demand, regulation, or simply the innate desire to protect the environment, outdoor industry leaders today must operate at a higher standard than ever before. The public increasingly demands products manufactured without toxic materials and, with fair labor practices, and which can be discarded and recycled responsibly. And industry leaders demand the same of themselves. While the threats of twenty years ago were primarily competitive in nature, many companies now realize the futility of tackling massive challenges alone. The outdoor industry can only achieve the next level of positive impact, in terms of sustainability or outdoor engagement or policy, when it is unified around common goals, adopts common approaches, and takes collective action, even when that means working closely with competitors. In James Schaffer’s presentation, and in the panel discussion with industry leaders to follow, the essential elements of successful collective action will be explored, along with the role of OIA as an effective platform for collaboration.