2019 SVC TechCon

Application of CVD-Grown Single-Layer Graphene Electrodes in Molecular Electronic Devices (Room Exhibit Hall A)

30 Apr 19
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Poster Session

A single-layer graphene (SLG) has been utilized as a variety of electronic device components because the SLG, a two dimensional sheet of covalently bonded carbon atoms, has outstanding electronic characteristics, chemical stability and mechanical properties. In this study, we report on charge transport through aryl alkane monolayers sandwiched between SLG electrodes. Raman spectroscopy identified the chemically grafting of aryl diazonium compounds onto bottom SLG electrodes. Current densities of three different aryl alkane monolayers were exponentially deceased with a correct decay coefficient (β) as the length of a tunneling barrier increased. Transition voltage measurements for variable lengths of alkyl chains showed that the SLG/monolayer/SLG arrangement provides the formation of a valid tunneling junction to observe intrinsic charge transport properties of the incorporated molecules. This study demonstrated the possible application of the SLG electrodes to the test beds of molecular junctions.