2018 NSC Congress & Expo

6 - Integrating the Best Elements of BBS and HOP: A More Holistic Approach to Improve Safety Performance (Room 362B/E)

22 Oct 18
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tracks: Mgmt. Ldrship., Empl. Engmt. & Cltr.

The benefits of BBS and HOP have been demonstrated in numerous organizational settings. Unfortunately, these approaches are often presented as competing tools to improve safety. This session will address the advantages of integrating the best aspects of HOP and BBS to prevent serious injuries/fatalities. Organizations using BBS should educate managers and employees that human error will occur, it can be predicted and prevented by identifying/improving system weaknesses, and responses to human error should not be blame-oriented. This includes understanding HP principles like hazard recognition traps, latent conditions for error, layers of defenses and normalization of deviance. Companies using HOP will benefit from a greater understanding of BBS principles/practical applications including specific management behaviors to support safety, the importance of coworker safety feedback and the power of behavioral trending/analysis/interventions to improve safety behaviors and conditions.