2018 NSC Congress & Expo

51 - The Human Dynamics of Safety Success: Keys to Achieving and Sustaining an Injury-Free Workplace (Room 342D-F)

22 Oct 18
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Safety Management Systems

In this session, we’ll discuss evidence-based principles and safety-focused interventions reflected by seven “C-words”: Communication, Courage, Commitment, Competence, Choice, Community and Compassion. These seven C’s reflect humanistic behaviorism – an integration of applied behavioral science with select principles from humanism to make behavior-improvement techniques accepted and applied effectively on a large scale and over the long term. Each C-word reflects evidence-based intervention tactics applicable almost anywhere and by anyone who wants to actively care for occupational safety. You’ll learn how to motivate yourself and others by enhancing perceptions of choice, competence and community; and how to cultivate an actively-caring-for-people (AC4P) work culture.