2018 NSC Congress & Expo

80 - I'm New to Safety: Where Do I Start? (Room 371A-C)

23 Oct 18
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Young Professionals

Many people find themselves with safety as “another hat to wear” in addition to their regular duties in human resources, manufacturing, quality, etc. This may be especially true with individuals in small to medium-sized companies in which downsizing, reductions in force, and the overall drive to “do more with less” are the norm. If this describes you, the good news is you’re not alone. Lots of others are trying to determine what to do first in the area of safety. In this session, you’ll learn that although a lot of work and in some cases a lot of “catching up” is often needed, it’s not an insurmountable task. In fact, many of the resources you need to get started are found here at the NSC Congress & Expo.