2019 Financial Management Conference

102. Revenue Cycle Management (Room Sheraton 3)

15 Jul 19
11:00 AM - 12:40 PM

Tracks: Education Hospice Track

Effective management of the hospice revenue cycle is an evolving challenge, as cash flow optimization efforts must always be balanced against potential compliance threats. Individual states continue to adopt Medicaid managed care, significantly complicating the hospice revenue cycle, and the hospice benefit continues to draw interest from both Medicare and Medicaid program integrity contractors. As the possibility of Medicare Advantage coverage for hospice looms, it is important for hospices to take action to assess for potential revenue cycle optimization opportunities, as the consequences to cash flow can be significant if processes are not effectively managed. Additionally, the Medicare targeted probe and educate (TPE) process has begun to focus on hospice, significantly increasing the consequences of poor revenue cycle or related documentation management practices.

Strategies for optimizing payer and process management and mitigating compliance risks by leveraging the use of technology will be examined, as will tactics for conducting proactive compliance audits. Industry benchmarks for revenue cycle key performance metrics will also be examined.