Fresh Summit 2018

Forum for the Future - Thinking Past Tomorrow Through Business Transformation (Room Valencia Ballroom, Level 4, OCCC, West Building)

Business innovation is all about originality, and more than ever, a fast-changing culture and diversifying society influence how companies pursue and achieve innovation and all its resulting benefits.  This unusual, provocative, and yes, highly original session, will feature Leslie Odom Jr., who, in his breakout role as Aaron Burr in the landmark musical Hamilton, famously sang about being “an original.”  Odom and Morning News Beat’s Kevin Coupe will explore through conversation - and even a little music - business lessons that can be learned from theater, popular culture and Hamilton about diversity, the importance of storytelling, and the enduring power of a creative spirit, whether it be on the stage or in a store’s produce and floral departments. 

Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.