Federal Dispute Resolution 2018

BONUS3 | Free Speech, Religious Liberty and the Federal Workplace (Room Canary 2)

The old adage is clear: Avoid talking about sex, politics and religion in the workplace. But your employees don’t seem to follow this wisdom. In agencies across the country, employees feel free to share their opinions on hot-button issues like climate change, religion, abortion, gun reform and marriage equality. Meanwhile, others make their beliefs known more quietly, but just as emphatically, with bumper stickers, posters and trucker caps. Can you discipline employees for disrupting the workplace with political rantings? Or are they exercising their right to free speech? Our expert panel will explain the limits to religious and political expression in the federal workplace. After an interactive discussion of specific examples, you’ll leave prepared to identify when employee actions violate the Hatch Act, create a hostile work environment or cross any other lines that require you to take immediate action.