Federal Dispute Resolution 2018

ADR6 | Holding on to the Center During the Storm of Conflict (Room Salon J)

15 Aug 18
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

How do you counsel, advise or interview employees in extreme distress without getting sucked into the maelstrom? When you get drawn into the drama, it is difficult to accurately perceive, interpret or analyze the situation. The end result is less skillful questioning, poor analysis and a sense of disconnect. Mindfulness techniques help you interact with distressed employees from a place of greater calmness and clarity and, therefore, respond with greater patience, focus, wisdom and compassion. Ms. Morgan will use common scenarios that challenge practitioners to examine and discuss sub-optimal ways of reacting, learn and practice new skills based in mindfulness, then re-examine and discuss practitioners’ more informed responses.