Euro Attractions Show 2018

No more room for growth? Overtourism and its lessons for the wider attractions industry. (Room IAAPA Theatre Sponsored by Polin Waterparks)

Why too many tourists can be an opportunitiy instead of problem

Many popular tourist destinations are ringing the alarm bells. Euro Attractions Show host city Amsterdam, Venice, Barcelona, Cinque Terre and even Norway and Iceland are only some examples of destinations struggling with the amount of tourists and the effect they have on the quality of living at those locations. This has a big impact on the general discussion on many levels and the willingness to invest in tourism in other parts of the country.

During this session our speakers will explore what this means for attractions operators and developers and how they can help in spreading visitors. What opportunities are raising for them, while tackling the bigger problem? In the first part, several experts will discuss in what way the sector and regions can cope with these developments. In the second part, three directors of a visitor attraction will discuss in further detail which techniques can be used, what opportunities arise and how they think these developments can be managed.