BOMA 2018

Simplify and Standardize your Assessment and Inspection Process (Room Exhibit Hall, Showcase Room 2)

Colliers EPS (Engineering & Property Services) had a major problem with their inspection process for evaluating a potential property acquisition prior to purchase.  The Colliers’ highly-skilled facility teams used legacy systems to conduct time-consuming inspections, and did not have standardized process in place.  This process relied on team members using pen and paper and collecting hundreds on photos on their iPhones to create PCARs (Property Condition Assessment reports).  The time-consuming inspections limited the number of properties Colliers could evaluate for purchase, which impeded the growth of their portfolio. The final output from all of this work was static and non-transferable, which created additional work for the property management team post acquisition. 

To address these challenges, Colliers EPS adopted the One Spot property management tool, a software platform with both app-based and web-based platforms. The real-time dynamic functionality of the technology is easy to learn, creates immediate efficiency, and ultimately saves time and money. On average the time to complete an assessment decreased from 40 total hours to approximately 6 hours, and team on boarding for field engineers and technicians took less than one hour. The Colliers team calculated a savings of $654 per assessment, and created more time for portfolio acquisition.