FETC 2018

Fieldtrip 1: Windermere Elementary School Tour (Room South Hall B Concourse Shuttle Bus Ramp)

25 Jan 18
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

Visit this school to see a BYOD Chromebooks Digital Learning Model in application with grades 4-5. Visit classrooms were the innovative practice of Project Based Learning is used and the Career and Technical Education Focus is computer fundamentals.

Orange County Public Schools in Orlando, FL is the proud home of the LaunchED digital learning program which focuses on increasing student engagement and achievement through personalizing learning using digital content and tools. Don’t miss this opportunity to visit one of the largest one-to-one (1:1) digital learning programs in the nation with over 100,000 devices deployed to students and staff! Choose one LaunchED digital learning site to visit from the menu below. Each site visit will include an overview of the program, classroom visits, opportunities to engage staff in discussion, and a light lunch. Transportation to and from school sites will be provided as well as lunch, beverage service and swag bags by OCPS.

Registration for field trips is required.  Sign up for the fieldtrip is free when you complete your FETC registration online.