FETC 2018

Forget PD, How to Lead Change Through Modeling (Room Booth 2405)

26 Jan 18
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

Want teachers to adopt new teaching practices, but often hear “that won’t work in my classroom?” Teachers are far more likely to try new things with their students if they have experienced them in their role as professionals. Knowing this, we brought new teaching practices into the day to day work of our school. We integrated digital citizenship into professional learning programs, leveraged digital formative assessment tools to make meetings more interactive, and shared the great work of our students and teachers on social media. Soon, teachers began using those practices in their own classrooms. We will show you how and where we integrated these practices into department and faculty meetings, regularly scheduled professional learning, and even one-on-one teacher consults. Then you can determine which teaching practices you want to focus on in your school and how you can model them for your colleagues.