FETC 2018

Google CS First Clubs (Room Booth 1100)

26 Jan 18
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

Google offers a wonderful, free, relatively easy to use online curriculum through CS First Clubs! Designed for 4th-8th grade students to introduce Computer Science concepts using block based coding with Scratch and fun, colorful how- to videos. Technology Instructor, Kelly McNeil, will demonstrate samples, lessons and tips from her 6th grade classroom Digital Storytelling and Art Clubs. The Digital Storytelling Club was presented in class with an English Language Arts teacher which allowed for deeper study of the Digital Storytelling topic. The teacher dashboard, printed materials and question and answer time will be provided from a tried in the classroom perspective. An overview of the themes will be presented: Storytelling, Friends, Fashion and Design, Art, Social Media, Sports, Music and Sound, Game Design and Animation.